Shenandoah Miniatures 

54-mm Scale White Metal Kits Imported from Australia

Union Page 3   

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Description Price Photo
SH U33 Officer defending, sword & revolver drawn

temporarily out of stock



SH U33.jpg (14233 bytes)
SH U34 Standing, knees bent, firing

temporarily out of stock



SH U34.jpg (5430 bytes)
SH U35 Standing, ramming cartridge

temporarily out of stock



SH U35.jpg (9580 bytes)
SH U36 Knees bent, biting cartridge

temporarily out of stock



SH U36.jpg (5642 bytes)
SH M1 14th Brooklyn Regiment, Chasseur, marching $23.99

SH M4 Union infantry in frock coat, walking

temporarily out of stock



SH M4.jpg (9140 bytes)
SH M15 US Colored Infantry in frock coat/kepi walking, rifle at ready

temporarily out of stock



SH M15.jpg (5243 bytes)
SH M16 US Colored Infantry in frock coat/kepi walking, rifle over shoulder $19.99


SH M16.jpg (5022 bytes)
SH M17 54th Massachusetts Regt.,-sack coat/kepi, attention, shoulder arms

temporarily out of stock



SH M17.jpg (4886 bytes)
SH M18 54th Massachusetts Regt.,-sack coat/kepi, running, rifle leveled $17.49


SH M18.jpg (5382 bytes)
SH M19 US Regular, frock coat, Hardee hat, walking, rifle at ready

temporarily out of stock



SH M19.jpg (35832 bytes)
SH M20 Iron Brigade sack coat, Hardee hat, walking, rifle at ready

temporarily out of stock



SH M20.jpg (45823 bytes)
SH CAV1 US mounted cavalry guidon bearer

temporarily out of stock



SH CAV1.jpg (15857 bytes)

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