Figure Accessories

Archer Human Eye Decals & Tattoos

Different Scale Eye Decals Made in USA 


This is an example of how the eyes appear once inserted on the figure's face

"EZ Eyes" are a great time saver and you will appreciate the subtle beauty of their color, perfect registration, symmetry, and options.  Contains enough eyes for up to 200 figures (FE990001).  Different scales available for figures & busts.

Model Description Price Photo
AR99001 Archer human eye decals.  Different scales included for 1/32, 1/35, 54-mm to 150-mm scale figures.  Enough eyeball decals for 200 figures.

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AR99002 Archer human eye decals for 1/12 to 1/8 scale (ideal for smaller busts).  Enough eyeball decals for 200 figures.

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AR99003 Archer human eye decals for 1/6 to 1/4 scale (ideal for busts) $5.95 

AR99003A Photo-realistic human eyeball decals for scales 54 mm to 1/8 scale.  Enough eyeball decals for 84 figures.

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AR99003B Photo-realistic human eyeball decals for scales 54 mm to 1/8 scale.  Enough eyeball decals for 84 figures. $5.95


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AR35314 Wine & champagne bottle label decals 1/35 scale.  Contains 114 total labels in 22 styles.

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AR99012 Archer water slide tattoos.  Traditional type, suitable for various scale including 1/32 (54-mm), 1/35 through 150 mm.  Contains enough for 200 figures. $5.95


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