Painted Napoleonic Historical Figures:           

  Age of Napoleon

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54-mm scale scale figures.   Sorted by brand.  

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New, from Russia, our exclusive line of 54-mm scale metal painted figures:

EL0030 French Marshall Michel Ney, mounted (Prince de la Moscowa Duc d' Elchingen)  $179.99

0030.jpg (24764 bytes)


French Marshall Joachim Murat, mounted (King of Naples, Grand Duke of Berg)

$179.99 0032.jpg (36242 bytes)
EL0033 French Marshall Jean Lannes, mounted (Duc de Montebello) $179.99 0033a.jpg (33879 bytes) 0033b.jpg (26258 bytes)
EL0035 Napoleon's Egyptian Campaign French soldier mounted on camel with banner, 1798 $199.99 0035.jpg (28799 bytes)
EL0061 Elite French Hussar Officer, 1st Regiment, 1812, mounted with sword $179.99 0061.jpg (28314 bytes)
EL0063 Napoleon's Grenadier Guard on Horse-back, 1812. $179.99 0063.jpg (28621 bytes)
Connoisseur Collection OF St. Petersburg: Andrea Miniatures of Spain

 French 4th Hussar, 1813, mounted

$209.99 S7-F02 French 4th Hussar 1813.jpg (7380 bytes)
ANS7F09PM British drummer, carrying flag 1812  $129.99 S7-F09 British drummer 1812.jpg (8913 bytes)
ANS7F11PM Hussar standard-bearer mounted   $219.99


S7-F11 Hussar standard bearer.jpg (8531 bytes)
ANS7F12PM Hussar Trooper 1, mounted   $199.99 S7-F12 Hussar trooper.jpg (8314 bytes)
ANS7F14PM Hussar  trumpeter   $219.99 S7-F14 Hussar trumpeter.jpg (8184 bytes)
ANS7F15PM Hussar Lieutenant  $229.99 S7-F15 Hussar lieutenant.jpg (8444 bytes)
ANS7F19PM Napoleon I in overcoat   $89.99 S7-F19 Napoleon I in overcoat.jpg (7052 bytes)

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