Cottage Industry Ltd. Civil War & Other Historical Period Scale Model Kits

Cast in resin and made in USA.

This new company has dedicated itself to manufacturing historically accurate resin model kits of the Civil War era with what has become an extensive line of naval vessels and siege artillery.  The company's owner and creator of these wonderful kits, William Blackmore, has been inspired by continual exposure to the Civil War monuments and museums in the Charleston, South Carolina area, where he resides.  Mr. Blackmore's work has been on display in various Civil War museums in the South.

Click on small photo to see larger photo and detail of kit description.


Naval vessels:


Description Price Photo (for larger view and additional information, click on photo)
CO 24-001 H.L. Hunley Confederate Submarine 1/24 scale resin kit (based on recent excavation of actual original submarine off Charleston harbor) $216.00

CO 72-001 H.L. Hunley Confederate Submarine 1/72 scale resin kit (based on recent excavation of actual original submarine off Charleston harbor)

Kit has been completely re-mastered, and updated to reflect the most recent information about the submarine as taken from direct observation and measurements from the real artifacts.

1.72 scale resin kit includes two figures as shown in photo (based on C.W. Chapman painting).

There are also 2 options for adding the Torpedo Spar that are much more up to date and more technically accurate than before.  The dock that the Hunley sits on in the famous painting is also included, and  an entirely new set of well-illustrated fully explained instructions covering the building process


CO 72-002 CSS David Confederate Spar Torpedo boat 1/72 scale resin kit, measures almost 14 inched long. $35.99

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CO 32-001 H.L. Hunley Confederate Submarine 1/32 scale resin kit original edition $81.99


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CO 32-002 CSS David Confederate Torpedo Boat 1/32 scale resin kit $144.00


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CO 32-004 CSS Pioneer Confederate Submarine 1/32 scale resin kit $81.99


CO 32-005 David Bushnell's Submarine of the Revolutionary War in 1776: the Turtle 1/32 scale resin kit $71.99


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CO 32-006 The Nautilus Sub (Fulton's Sub) built in France in early 19th century 1/32 scale resin kit (price increase coming soon!) $62.99

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CO 96-001 USS Keokuk 1/96 scale resin kit.  See compatible 1/96 scale figure set available below. $225

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CO 96-002 CSS Palmetto State 1/96 scale resin kit.  See compatible 1/96 scale figure set available below. $225


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CO 96-004 CSS Arkansas 1/96 scale resin kit.  See compatible 1/96 scale figure set available below. $225

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CO 96-006 CSS Albemarle Confederate Ironclad Ram 1/96 scale resin model kit.  See compatible 1/96 scale figure set available below. $225

CO 96-007 US Steam Picket Boat 1/96 scale resin model kit.  See compatible 1/96 scale figure set available below. $26.99

CO 96-008 USS Monitor Union ironclad 1/96 scale resin model kit.  See compatible 1/96 scale figure set available below. $225

CO 96-009 CSS Tennessee ironclad 1/96 scale resin model kit.  See compatible 1/96 scale figure set available below. $339

CO FIG Civil War Naval Crew cast in 1/96th scale metal.  Can be painted as Union or Confederate.  Includes 10 figures (2 officers & 8 crewmen).  Compatible with all 1/96th scale ships shown above.  Photos depict figures shown on the interior deck of the CSS Arkansas model kit  (#CO96-004) available above. $10.00



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